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Learn C# from Beginner to Advanced
Intro (1:36)
Course Overview (13:32)
What is C#, Why Learn C# (1:34)
How to get Help (3:20)
Companion Project Download
Live Study Group and Private Discord
Getting Started with Visual Studio (6:54)
Unity Install and Basics (11:39)
How the Companion Projects works (5:43)
Common Errors and how to solve them (11:39)
Programming Basics (7:34)
Variables (7:38)
Variables Companion Project Walkthrough (21:04)
Data Types (17:03)
If Statements, Conditions (15:02)
Switch (3:31)
Functions (15:18)
Scope (5:04)
Comments (4:26)
Arrays, Lists (11:10)
Loops (14:43)
Class (14:20)
Static (8:10)
Access Modifiers (5:23)
Naming Rules (4:54)
Clean Code Guidelines (12:56)
Beginner Project (10:42)
Beginner Summary (1:57)
Intro Intermediate (1:12)
Intermediate Overview (3:17)
Visual Studio Shortcuts (16:29)
Refactoring (2:21)
Enums (7:51)
Properties (6:56)
Multidimensional Arrays (7:53)
Nested Loops (5:54)
Recursion (5:29)
Dictionary (8:35)
Other Collections (5:30)
params (2:37)
Optional Parameters (4:46)
Value Type vs Reference Types (9:10)
Struct (6:58)
Class Intermediate (17:54)
Interfaces (11:37)
Type casting, is, as (8:21)
Switch Pattern Matching (3:13)
Delegates (11:32)
Local Function vs Lambda (3:36)
Events (14:36)
Generics (10:55)
Constants, readonly (4:42)
Exceptions, Try Catch Finally (7:03)
IEnumerable (8:37)
Namespaces (4:11)
Singleton Pattern (9:54)
Design Patterns (4:20)
Intermediate Project (24:55)
Intermediate Summary (5:34)
Learn Unity DOTS
Advanced Overview (8:05)
Reflection (14:18)
Function Extensions (4:58)
Static Constructor (4:36)
typeof (2:45)
nameof (4:04)
sizeof (3:40)
default (4:09)
Expression-bodied Members (3:31)
Records (6:17)
Null Conditional Operators (5:13)
Null-Coalescing Operators (6:05)
Ternary Conditional Operator (1:58)
Main and Command Line Args (9:32)
Nullable (4:59)
Span (6:40)
Bitwise Operators (8:34)
Enum Flags (4:51)
Preprocessor Directives (9:43)
ref, out, in (12:16)
Data Boxing (3:55)
dynamic (7:51)
Class Indexer (4:27)
Attributes (6:09)
Anonymous Types (12:47)
Tuples (8:09)
using, IDisposable (4:18)
Override Operators (10:03)
LINQ (7:43)
WinForms (9:29)
DLLImport, extern, WinAPI (6:26)
Asserts, Unit Testing (6:11)
unsafe, pointers (10:15)
async await Task (13:42)
Multithreading (16:50)
Advanced Summary (8:17)
Teach online with
Arrays, Lists
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