Do you want to learn C#?

Are you a Beginner? Intermediate? Advanced? This course will help you learn C# regardless of your current skill level.

If you make an effort to pay attention to all the Lectures, read all the FAQs, answer all the Quizzes and do all the Interactive Exercises

If you do all that then I guarantee by the end you will know C#!

Video Lectures + Companion Project

Learn C# by doing Interactive Exercises!

Instant AI reply + 24H Manual Reply

No need to wait to get your questions answered

Then I still answer manually within 24h

Weekly Livestreams

I'm here Live to help answer any questions you have


Visual Studio Install, Programming Basics, Ifs, Variables, Data Types, ...


Interfaces, Polymorphism, Events, Generics, Dictionary, Delegates, ...


Reflection, Extensions, Static Constructors, Records, Null Conditional Operators, ...


Learn by DOING with the Companion Project that contains Frequently Asked Questions, Quizzes, and Interactive Exercises for every Lecture in the course.

This will help you truly learn the contents of each lecture.


  • Video Lectures
  • Companion Project
  • Interactive Exercises - Learn by doing!
  • Quizzes
  • FAQs
  • Companion Code Helper
  • Super Fast Bot Reply
  • 24h Manual Reply
  • No Ads
  • Split into Lectures
  • Live Weekly Study Group
  • Private Discord

I'm always available to answer your questions every single day.

Just post them in the Lecture comments and I'll do my best to help!

Live Study Group: Every Saturday, 17:00 BST 09:00 PST

Join the private Discord and find like minded devs!

I'm there to help as much as I can be.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

If you're unhappy for any reason, if you don't find the course helpful, then I'll give your money back, no questions asked. My goal is to help you learn.

Is this course right for you?

Feel free to email me [email protected]

Let me know what is your current skillset and what you're trying to gain by learning C# and I'll let you know if this course is right for you.

What Students say...

Complete Course Curriculum

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Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

It took me 10+ years to learn all of this

I made this course so you can gain the same knowledge in much less time!

If you put in the effort to watch all the Lectures and do all the Interactive Exercises, then I guarantee by the end you will have gained a ton of knowledge much faster than I did.

This is the course I wish I had when I started learning

Get the Course and Start Learning now!