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Learn Unity DOTS and Make an Awesome Game!
Welcome (2:14)
Final Game Playthrough (3:46)
Overview (13:39)
What is DOTS (11:31)
Project Setup
Create Project and Install Packages (4:56)
Unity Layout (6:05)
Visual Studio Setup (4:57)
Assets Import (3:13)
Post Processing and Lighting (3:37)
Setup Complete, Download Project Files (1:47)
DOTS Subscene Baking (13:34)
Create Component and Unit setup (20:54)
Unit Mover System (16:13)
Unit Move Physics (9:52)
Intermission (0:47)
Mouse World Position (10:47)
Click to Move (21:37)
Move Job System (17:05)
Unit Selection Single (23:34)
Unit Selection Multiple, UI Setup (23:24)
DOTS Physics Raycast (16:54)
Generate Move Positions (10:49)
Unit Events (16:15)
Enemies, Factions (9:05)
Find Target and Shooting (23:54)
Health (16:52)
Bullet (13:28)
Entity Spawning (17:13)
Shooting Improvements (13:31)
Zombie Spawner (8:15)
Random Walking (16:31)
Health Bar (20:55)
Shoot Light (10:01)
Melee Attacks (17:25)
Move Override (12:41)
Part 1 Fixes (5:14)
RequireForUpdate (3:31)
Find Target Closest (7:11)
Lose Target (4:44)
Target Override (9:49)
Set Target when Hit (2:58)
Converting Systems to Jobs (19:13)
Animation System Overview (4:00)
Animation System Basics (8:32)
Blob Assets (12:42)
Storing Multiple Animation Data (11:50)
Changing Animations (4:38)
Animation Event Logic (9:34)
Attack Animations (10:36)
Animation Job System (8:57)
Animation Baking (31:38)
Unit Scout (5:01)
Building Zombie Spawner (17:37)
Building Tower (7:20)
Building Type SO (7:07)
Building Barracks (25:01)
Building Barracks UI (28:34)
Building Placement Manager (11:04)
Building Placement Manager UI (18:07)
Building HQ (14:00)
Camera Manager (9:14)
Fix Jobs Memory Leaks (4:31)
Grid System Overview (3:18)
Create Grid System (13:11)
Grid System Debug (16:02)
Flow Field Pathfinding Overview (6:02)
Flow Field Pathfinding (16:53)
Flow Field Debugging (4:54)
Pathfinding Walls (8:29)
Unit Follow Pathfinding Overview (2:39)
Flow Field Follower (12:39)
Multiple Units Follow Path (7:07)
Multiple Flow Fields (7:57)
Pathfinding Raycast Optimization (13:10)
Pathfinding on All Movement (6:09)
Pathfinding Update Obstacles (10:51)
Pathfinding Jobs (40:06)
Minimap (7:03)
Fog of War (30:28)
Resources and Harvesters (28:48)
Building and Unit Cost (6:36)
Building Construction (16:06)
Horde (8:35)
Ragdolls (14:57)
Main Menu, Scene Loading (8:51)
Map Design (6:39)
Stress Test and Performance Refactoring (16:43)
Polish (23:37)
Congratulations on completing the course! (1:33)
Teach online with
DOTS Physics Raycast
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